Warts are minor tumors that grow on different body parts caused by a virus called the HPV or human papillomavirus. It often comes in the form of a lump on the skin that will grow practically anywhere on your body, including the genitals. More than sixty types of warts are often associated with itching, burning sensation, and oozing. Although they can go away without treatment, warts could persist for a long time if left untreated. So here are some of the most common types of warts.

Plantar Warts

plantar wart

Plantar warts usually occur in the soles of the feet; thus, they can be very painful. They come in different shapes and sizes and can be as small as the head of a pin or very big. When you look at them closely, you will notice that they have brown, black, or red spots inside them, and these are the blood vessels. And because the plantar warts are caused by HPV, getting rid of them cannot guarantee they will no longer be back. But because they are highly contagious, it is important to treat them. A wart medication such as Wartrol can help to cure plantar warts. You can also see a lot of positive Wartrol reviews online.

Common Warts

common warts

Another type of wart is called common warts, which usually occur on the fingers, knees, and hands. It is a “raised” kind of wart, and the surface is rough. Common warts can occur at any age but are mostly seen among children.

Flat Warts

flat warts

From the name itself, the flat wart is a flattened kind of wart, but unlike the common wart with a rough surface, this type of wart has a smooth surface. This wart usually develops in the hands, knees, face, and neck and can be light or dark in color. I had flat warts on my hand, and Wartrol helped me to get rid of warts. You can read the full review of Wartrol here. 

Genital Warts

Genital warts are also among the most common types of warts. It occurs in the genital area; thus, it is also called a vaginal wart, although this can happen among men, too. This type of wart is often transmitted sexually, and just like the plantar wart, this is caused by HPV. And because genital warts are spread using sexual contact, they have been considered a sexually transmitted disease that can also lead to cervical cancer among women.

Because warts are easily spread through the human papillomavirus virus, the best way to keep them from returning is to strengthen the immune system or by applying over-the-counter wart removal solutions, such as the Wartrol. Find Out Unbiased Wartrol Reviews here.

Filiform Warts

Unlike other types of warts, Filiform warts are more like branched growths and tend to appear as if they are forming a fern leaf structure. Normally other types of warts tend to assume a raised or clustery arrangement; therefore, it’s easier to recognize Filiform warts since they are the only type that tend to appear like fronds. Like other types of warts, Filiform warts are caused by the Human Papillomavirus, especially assumed to be the HPV 29, 2, 4, and 1 strain of the virus. When these HPV viral strains attack your body, normally, what happens is that they head straight to the epidermal layer of your skin and start replicating there. The epidermis is a favorable location for viral growth since the virus uses the stacked epidermal cells as a medium for reproduction.

Mosaic Warts

mosaic warts

Mosaic warts are simply plantar warts accumulated in one skin region to form mosaic clusters. Mosaic warts are predominant on the soles of the feet and are particularly concentrated on the part of the foot below the fingers instead of the front part of the sole. Of course, this is because they are just a bunch of plantar warts; as we all know, they are tumors that grow on the soles of the feet. Treatment of mosaic warts can be hectic, especially because the region they form is unreachable when applying certain types of drugs such as Salicylic acid. It is, therefore, advisable to seek medical attention in the case of Mosaic warts.

Periungual Warts

Periungual warts

Unlike Filiform and Mosaic warts, Periungual warts are graver forms of tumors as they attack the areas around the fingertips and the nail cuticle. In the most acute conditions, Periungual warts can cause permanent nail malformation. This is because the growths damage the nail matrix beyond repair if not treated early. Treatment methods for this type of wart include cryotherapy and laser therapy. If noted in their early stages of development, some home remedies can work too, for example, applying over-the-counter liniments, usually Salicylic acid. However, it should be noted that some behaviors, such as nail biting and failure to wash hands regularly, can predispose one to get infected with HPV viruses that cause Periungual warts.

Oral Warts

Of all types of warts, oral warts are the most serious of them all. Although other types of warts are not known to develop into cancer infections, Oral warts, if not treated early enough, may result in cancer. Such oral warts are caused by HPV strains, referred to as high-risk types, and can cause cancers in regions surrounding the mouth and other parts such as the throat and neck. Nevertheless, medical researchers have not yet ascertained whether HPV infections cause oropharyngeal cancers, but one thing is for sure, Oral warts can predispose one to oropharyngeal cancers.