Laser surgery is one of the best ways to get rid of warts. The greater the severity of warts, the greater the need for surgical treatment. When carried out by a professional at a renowned clinic, laser surgery is highly effective. Seldom do the surface of warts again as the microscopic virus associated with the warts is destroyed. For those of you suffering from warts, removing them is a painless and safe procedure that can be used in areas of utmost sensitivity. Laser Surgery for warts is one of the best ways to permanently part ways with the ugly growing.

Types Of Laser

Though there are quite a few laser techniques, two of the most common types of lasers are Pulsed Dye Lasers and Carbon Dioxide Lasers.

Pulsed Dye Lasers

These lasers target hemoglobin associated with the blood vessels of the wart. The heat essentially spreads to the tissue of the wart, sealing the blood vessels and starving the tissue of nutrients. The wart then dries up, eventually falling off.  

Carbon Dioxide Laser

A concentrated beam is targeted at the wart, which vaporizes the affected tissue. This technique has shown results after just one single sitting. Once the procedure is completed, there is hardly any scarring, infection, or recurring pain. 

Laser Surgery For Warts

How Does It Work?

Laser wart surgery is a fairly simple technique where the warts are targeted with a laser. The laser penetrates through the upper layer of the skin, which is the epidermis, and targets the wart. The wart is located near the dermis, the middle layer of the skin. Now, what the laser does? It is to kill the blood vessels that feed the wart. Once this happens, the wart is starved, which means it dries up and eventually falls off. The best part about the laser treatment is that it works only on the affected area, leaving the surrounding tissues intact.

The Aftermath Of The Surgery

The wound will likely be painful for a few days following the surgical procedure. Recovery and recoupment depend on the area’s sensitivity and the number of warts treated. In the event of any of the following conditions persisting for longer than a week, a doctor must be consulted:

  1. Bleeding, well past the one-week mark
  2. Fever of any sorts
  3. Excruciating pain
  4. Yellowish discharge that signifies an infection

Regularly clean up the wound to avoid the possibility of an infection.

Choosing The Right Skin Clinic

Skin clinics are often the safest bet for the removal of warts. This is mainly because there is a careful assessment of the wart. Only if surgery is necessary is it undertaken. A skin expert is likelier to be present in a skin clinic to provide depth into the problem. You will be well aware of the side effects and the possibility of the onset of other warts simultaneously. 

Laser surgery for warts is a safe bet so that all doubts can be put to rest effectively.