There are many easily available food to cure warts. People worldwide have tried using healthy and nutritious food as a home remedy for wart removal. Some foods have pronged effects. Firstly it removes the wart without any side effects. Secondly, it nourishes the entire body with valuable nutrients.

Food To Cure Warts

There are several home remedies to cure warts safely and successfully. A few are to be applied topically, while a few are to be eaten diligently for easy, painless removal of the wart. As warts are mainly caused due to a viral infection caused by HPV, eating balanced food is suggested to keep the body nourished and healthy. Here is a list of food to cure warts at home, tried and tested.


Fruits are an all-time favorite for doctors and healers to keep a body healthy and free from diseases. Due to the presence of huge amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, fruits work well on warts. Fruits boost our immune system and make it strong enough to fight against the virus in warts. Because of their high vitamin C content, the berry family, like blueberry and cherry oranges, work fast in treating warts.


Food To Cure Warts

Vegetables with high amount of mineral and vitamins, especially Vitamin C, works exceptionally well on warts. Red bell pepper, tomatoes, and pumpkin are potent wart fighters due to their antioxidant properties. Green leafy vegetables rich in minerals like Calcium, Phosphorus, Selenium, and Magnesium boosts the immune system and help fight the virus within the body. Leafy vegetables like Spinach, Kale, and asparagus have replaced comfort food on the plate of people wanting to get rid of warts faster than ever.


A high protein intake has always helped a body get healthier and toned. High protein in nuts, lean meat, fish, tofu, and soya helps strengthen the immune system. A robust immune system fights the foreign bodies present in our system and keeps us healthy and disease free. Oysters are rich in protein and minerals like zinc and calcium, which adds up to making a power-packed diet.


Certain herbs can be found in our kitchen for a successful remedy for wart removal at home. Garlic is one such wonder herb that is rich in aromatic phenols. It works wonderfully well as a potent antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. Thus it takes care of the wart and other associated infections, if any, in the body. Oregano is rich in compounds like flavonoids and polyphenols. Oregano contains a strong antioxidant, epigallocatechin gallate, which works exceptionally well on warts.

Thus nutritious food that is rich in Vitamin C, aromatic Phenols, immune boosting, and antioxidant properties. Including this food in your daily diet is highly recommended for faster, safer, and more successful removal of warts.